In Hungarian   
Rector's Office

The Rector's Office is such a comprehensive constitutional unit of the university which fulfils managing and managerial functions, supports the work of the Rector, the Vice-Rectors and the certain heads of boards and committees of the university as well as performs service and managment activities -related to its own functions- concerning the whole university. The Rector's Office is divided into different units.

The Rector's Office is a constitutional unit standing under the supervision and leadership of the Rector. The managing work of the Rector is supported by the Vice-Rectors, the Secretary General and the Head of the Internal Controlling Group.

Regarding the units of the Rector's Office the employer's rights are divided according to the following:

At the certain Directotares of the Rector's Office the certain Vice-Rectors are authorized to exercise employer's right on the Directors while the Directors exercise employer's right on the employees of the Directorate.

Complete employer's right is exercised on the Head of the Department of Secretariat by the Secretary General while the Head of the Department is authorized to exercise employer's right on the employees of the Department.

In the case of the Head of the Internal Controlling Group the employer's authority is exercised by the Rector of the university while the Head of the Internal Controlling Group is authorized to exercise employer's right on the employees of the Internal Controlling Group.